In this era of Coronavirus, we will be trying many new ways to worship together. Find the date below, and click on the resources. Worship together as a family. No matter where we are or how we we gather, we are the Church, together!
Friday, April 2nd: Good Friday
The Great Three Days continues with Good Friday, and the crucifixion of Jesus.
Download the Good Friday bulletin HERE.
When you are ready, click HERE to join in worship. Blessings this Holy Week!
Download the Good Friday bulletin HERE.
When you are ready, click HERE to join in worship. Blessings this Holy Week!
Thursday, April 1st: Maundy Thursday
Welcome to the first of the Great Three Days!
Download the Maundy Thursday bulletin HERE.
When you are ready, click HERE to join in worship! Blessings this Holy Week!
Download the Maundy Thursday bulletin HERE.
When you are ready, click HERE to join in worship! Blessings this Holy Week!
Wednesday, March 24th: Mid-week Lenten Service
Good evening and welcome to our final mid-week service.
Tonight's soup comes to us again from the table of Ruth and John: Mock Potato Soup!
Gather your family and join together in singing Holden Evening Prayer. You can view the service HERE. The worship bulletin can be downloaded HERE.
Tonight's theme is Love. Download the study guide HERE.
Tonight's soup comes to us again from the table of Ruth and John: Mock Potato Soup!
Gather your family and join together in singing Holden Evening Prayer. You can view the service HERE. The worship bulletin can be downloaded HERE.
Tonight's theme is Love. Download the study guide HERE.
Sunday, March 21st: Fifth Sunday in Lent
Good morning and welcome to our FINAL (we hope and pray!) Sunday virtual service.
You can download today's bulletin HERE.
Gather your family and click HERE to join Pr. JonPaul in worship.
You can download today's bulletin HERE.
Gather your family and click HERE to join Pr. JonPaul in worship.
Wednesday, March 17th: Mid-week Lenten Service
Tonight's soup comes from the table of Monica and Dick. You can download the recipe HERE
Gather your family and join together in singing Holden Evening Prayer. You can view the service HERE. The worship bulletin can be downloaded HERE.
Tonight's theme is Hope. Download tonight's study guide HERE.
Gather your family and join together in singing Holden Evening Prayer. You can view the service HERE. The worship bulletin can be downloaded HERE.
Tonight's theme is Hope. Download tonight's study guide HERE.
Sunday, March 14th: Fourth Sunday in Lent
Welcome to worship. You can download the worship bulletin HERE. When you are ready, click HERE to join Pr. JonPaul in worship.
Wednesday, March 10th: Mid-week Lenten Service
Gather your family and join together in singing Holden Evening Prayer. You can view the service HERE. The worship bulletin can be downloaded HERE.
Tonight's theme is Justice. You can download the study guide HERE.
Tonight's theme is Justice. You can download the study guide HERE.
Sunday, March 7th: Third Sunday in Lent
Welcome to worship this beautiful Sunday morning! You can download the bulletin HERE. Gather together and click HERE to join in this week's worship service. Blessings!
Wednesday, March 3rd: Mid-week Lenten Service
Good evening. Welcome to this week's mid-week Lenten devotion.
Tonight's soup comes from the table of Ruth and John: Spaghetti and Meatball Soup! You can download the recipe HERE.
Gather your family and join together in singing Holden Evening Prayer. You can view the service HERE. The worship bulletin can be downloaded HERE.
Tonight's devotion is on CHARITY. You can download the study guide HERE.
Blessings to you these 40 days.
Tonight's soup comes from the table of Ruth and John: Spaghetti and Meatball Soup! You can download the recipe HERE.
Gather your family and join together in singing Holden Evening Prayer. You can view the service HERE. The worship bulletin can be downloaded HERE.
Tonight's devotion is on CHARITY. You can download the study guide HERE.
Blessings to you these 40 days.
Sunday, February 28th: Second Sunday in Lent
Good morning and welcome to worship. Be sure to download the bulletin HERE. When you are ready, click HERE to join us in worship. Blessings!
Wednesday, February 24th: Mid-week Lenten Service
Welcome to our Lenten mid-week service!
This week's soup recipe is a Baked Potato Soup. It is one of Pr. JonPaul and Jessica's favorite soups to make at home.
Click HERE to view our Holden Evening Prayer worship service. The worship bulletin can be downloaded HERE.
Download this week's study guide HERE to reflect, pray, and discuss this week's theme: Faith
This week's soup recipe is a Baked Potato Soup. It is one of Pr. JonPaul and Jessica's favorite soups to make at home.
Click HERE to view our Holden Evening Prayer worship service. The worship bulletin can be downloaded HERE.
Download this week's study guide HERE to reflect, pray, and discuss this week's theme: Faith
Sunday, February 21st: First Sunday in Lent
Welcome to the discipline of Lent. Thank you for joining us for worship. You can download the worship bulletin HERE. When you are ready, click HERE to join Pr JonPaul in worship.
Sunday, February 14th: Transfiguration; 6th Sunday after Epiphany
Welcome to Sunday worship! Download the worship bulletin HERE. When you are ready, click HERE to join us for this week's worship service!
Sunday, February 7th: 5th Sunday after Epiphany
Welcome to Worship this cold, but beautiful Sunday. You can download the bulletin HERE. When you are ready, click HERE and join us in worship this week!
Sunday, January 31st: 4th Sunday after Epiphany
Good morning and welcome to worship! Today's bulletin can be found HERE. Gather your family together and click HERE to join Pr. JonPaul and all of Pleasant Valley in worship!
Sunday, January 24th: 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
Good morning! Welcome to Worship. Thank you for joining us. You can download the worship bulletin HERE. Gather together and click HERE to join Pr. JonPaul in worship today!
Sunday, January 10th: Baptism of Our Lord
Good morning and welcome to worship! Today we celebrate the baptism of Jesus. Download the bulletin HERE. Gather together and click HERE to join Pr. JonPaul in worship!
Sunday, January 3rd: Sunday of the Epiphany
Good morning and Happy New Year! Join us as we celebrate the Epiphany. Download the worship bulleting HERE. Gather your family and then click HERE to join Pr. JonPaul in worship!
Sunday, December 27th: 1st Sunday of Christmas
Welcome to the Christmas season! Today we have the privilege to worship with the whole Northwest Synod of Wisconsin! It is good to share in these opportunities to not only worship all together, but to see our synod staff lead us in worship. So, grab a cup of coffee, breakfast, or just a comfortable chair and join Pr. JonPaul, and all of NW WI, in worship by clicking HERE!
Sunday, December 20th: 4th Sunday of Advent
Good morning. Welcome to Worship! Download today's bulletin HERE. Gather your family together and then click HERE to join us for our weekly worship service. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, December 13th: 3rd Sunday of Advent
Good morning. Welcome to Worship! Download today's bulletin HERE. Gather your family together and then click HERE to join us for our weekly worship service. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, December 6th: 2nd Sunday of Advent
Good morning and welcome to worship! Download the bulletin HERE. Gather your family together and then click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, September 6th: 14th Sunday after Pentecost
Good morning and welcome to worship! Download the bulletin HERE. Gather your family together and then click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, July 26th: 8th Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome to Worship! No bulletin today. All you need to do is click HERE and join Pr JonPaul and your Pleasant Valley Family in worship as we reflect together on God's Word.
Sunday, July 12th: 6th Sunday after Pentecost
Good morning and welcome to worship! Click HERE to download today's order of service. Gather your family together and click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, July 5th: 5th Sunday after Pentecost
Good morning. I hope you all are having a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Welcome to worship. Click HERE to download the order of service. Gather your family together and click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. Once again today we have Art Syth and Stephanie Keuhl leading our music!
Sunday, June 28th: 4th Sunday after Pentecost
Good morning and welcome to our Sunday worship! Today we have special music by Art Syth and Stephanie Keuhl. Click HERE for the order of service. Gather your family together and click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, June 21st: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome to our weekly worship service! Click HERE to download the order of service. Gather your family and then click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading us in worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, June 14th: 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
Good morning and welcome to worship! Thank you for joining us this morning in thanks and praise to God. Click HERE to download today's order of service. Gather you family together and then click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, June 6th: Holy Trinity Sunday
Welcome to worship. Today we have a very special guest preacher, The Reverend Elizabeth Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA. Click HERE to download the order of service. Gather your family and click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, May 31st: The Day of Pentecost
Good morning and welcome to worship! Today is Pentecost, the birth of the Church! Download the order of service HERE. Gather your family together and then click HERE to view the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, May 24th: The Ascension of Jesus
Welcome to a very special worship service celebrating the ascension of Jesus! You will recognize some familiar faces and voices helping out with our worship service today, including The Reverend Laurie Skow-Anderson, Bishop of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. Download the order of service HERE. Click HERE for the video of today's worship service. Blessings to you all!
Sunday, May 17th: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Good morning and welcome to worship. Download the order of service HERE. Gather together your family and click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, May 10th: Fifth Sunday of Easter
Welcome to worship! Be sure to download the order of service HERE. Gather your family and click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. Today, we have a special song recorded for the Hymn of the Day by members of the Praise Team. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, May 3rd: Fourth Sunday of Easter: The Good Shepherd
Welcome to worship! Be sure to download the order of service HERE. Gather your family together and click HERE for a video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together!
Sunday, April 26th: Third Sunday of Easter: Road to Emmaus
Good morning! Welcome to worship this 3rd Sunday of Easter. We are doing a couple different things in our worship for the Easter Season, so be sure to download the order of service HERE. Gather your family and then click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading us in worship. Christ is Risen!
Sunday, April 19th: Second Sunday of Easter: Doubting Thomas
Welcome to Worship this Easter Season! Today, we have the unique opportunity to worship together as the WHOLE Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. In this time of social distancing and stay at home orders, it is important to remember that though we may not be together physically, we are all the One People of God. So, gather your family, sit down, and enjoy this service from our synod staff. Today, across all of NW WI, we worship together!
Sunday, April 12th: Easter Sunday
Welcome to Resurrection Sunday! Click HERE to download the order of service. Click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading Easter Worship. Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen indeed, Alleluia!
Thursday, April 10th: Good Friday
Good Friday worship is now available. Click HERE to download the order of service. Click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. You may want to gather a cross and a candle with your family for a time of quiet prayer. Blessings to you all.
Thursday, April 9th: Maundy Thursday
Join us for Maundy Thursday worship! Click HERE to download the worship service. Gather your family and then click HERE to watch the video of our Maundy Thursday service. Be sure to watch all the way to the end for the Stripping of the Altar.
Sunday, April 5th: Palm Sunday
Click HERE to download this week's worship service. Gather your family together and then click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together.
If you haven't already, email Pr. JonPaul a picture of you and your family waving palms! If you need a palm, download one HERE.
If you haven't already, email Pr. JonPaul a picture of you and your family waving palms! If you need a palm, download one HERE.
Wednesday, April 1st
Click HERE to watch the video of JonPaul leading Holden Evening Prayer. You can download a copy of the service HERE to sing along. Tonight's teaching is about Mary. Download the study guide HERE.
Sunday, March 29th
Click HERE to download this week's worship service. Gather your family together and then click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. We are the Church, together.
Wednesday, March 25th
Join us for worship this evening!
Option 1: Download and repeat last week's spoken service. You can find the download link above!
Option 2: Join Pr. JonPaul as he sings through Holden Evening prayer. Click HERE to download your copy of the service. Then, go to THIS LINK to watch the video with your family and sing along.
This week's woman from Jesus' genealogy is Bathsheba. CLICK HERE for tonight's teaching!
Option 1: Download and repeat last week's spoken service. You can find the download link above!
Option 2: Join Pr. JonPaul as he sings through Holden Evening prayer. Click HERE to download your copy of the service. Then, go to THIS LINK to watch the video with your family and sing along.
This week's woman from Jesus' genealogy is Bathsheba. CLICK HERE for tonight's teaching!
Sunday, March 22nd
Download HERE this week's Sunday worship service. Gather your family together then click HERE for the video of Pr. JonPaul leading worship. Share in worship together!
Wednesday, March 18th
Click HERE for this week's home worship service. Gather as a family after dinner and read through the service together. Blessings on your worship!