The last Sunday of each month is designated as Mission Sunday and loose offering is collected and designated to an individual or organization in need.
If you have a recommendation for a monthly mission offering contact any council member or e-mail to [email protected] . Past mission offerings have gone to area food pantries, homeless shelters, or individuals with financial difficulties due to medical or unforeseen tragedies in their lives.
We also donate annually to Luther Park Bible Camp, Lutheran Social Services, and Dan and Shelby Hill, missionaries in France. Shelby is a former member of Pleasant Valley.
If you have a recommendation for a monthly mission offering contact any council member or e-mail to [email protected] . Past mission offerings have gone to area food pantries, homeless shelters, or individuals with financial difficulties due to medical or unforeseen tragedies in their lives.
We also donate annually to Luther Park Bible Camp, Lutheran Social Services, and Dan and Shelby Hill, missionaries in France. Shelby is a former member of Pleasant Valley.